What is Grace Baptist Academy?
Grace Baptist Academy is a private Christian school located in Springfield, TN that serves as a ministry of Grace Baptist Church. GBA provides a premier Christian education at an affordable price. Our students receive high-quality educational instruction that's designed not only to shape their minds, but also their character and life skills.
Mission Statement
The mission of Grace Baptist Academy is the same as Grace Baptist Church: "Exalt the Savior, Equip the Saints, and Evangelize the Lost." Matthew 28:17-20
Vision Statement
To be a Christ-centered school to promote academic excellence, integrate godly principles for living, and to guide every child toward maturity in Christ in a safe and loving environment.
2025-2026 Enrollment Information
Pre-K2, Pre-K3, K4
PreK Requirements:
Students must be 18 months by August 15 to enter the Pre-K2 program
Students must be fully potty-trained to enter the Pre-K3 program
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Elementary Requirements:
Students must be 5 years old by August 15 to enter Kindergarten​
Middle School
6th Grade
Contact us today for more info!
Phone: 615.384.3393
Email: Lynelle Sutton, LSutton@gbcspringfield.org
Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/GraceBaptistAcademyTN